Howto find the numbers
Video mode
If you live in Europe you usually have a PAL system, North-American it's usually NTSC, Japan is NTSC, rest of Asia is usually PAL. Take a look at this Wikipedia image to get a better understanding of your video mode.
Manufacturer date
You find this date on the backside of the Xbox 360 unit, it's right between the video and power cables.

picture by Anandtech
LOT number
The lot number is printed on the paper box, on the left side seen from the front. Use the picture below to find the exact number.

Team number
This number is also located on the same printed label as the lot number. Use the picture below to find your team number.

DVD Drive
There are currently two different DVD-ROM drives available for the Xbox 360; the first is a Hitachi-LG drive and the other is a Toshiba-Samsung drive. It's the latter one that is currently the most sought after drive.
In 2007, a new BenQ drive was also introduced in the Elite and later Premium and Arcade packages.
You can open the tray and look where the holes are to determine the DVD drive you own.

picture by and
Every drive has a firmware printed on top of the drive, this requires you to open the console and look at the topside of the DVD-ROM drive.

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The new Xbox 360 machines manufactured after July 2007 will most likely include the new HDMI connector. The pack will be marked to say it includes HDMI and on the site it will say codename Zephyr.

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Fan model
The fan model can indicate how much fan noise the machine will generate when the temperature raises and fans begin to rev-up.
The easiest way to find the fan model is to look through the ventilation holes on the back of the machine, or if possible, open the machine up and remove the fan from the case. The delta and Sunon fans are known to generate noise, while the Nidec fans are somewhat quieter.
- Delta - Black and white/silver label
- Sunons - Green and white label
- Nidec - All back label

picture by totallyrocks at
Motherboard model
Microsoft regularly makes new revisions of the motherboard to fix faults, make it more efficient, and lower the manufacture costs. There are, as of August 2008, four revisions, each has its own codename. Look at the pictures below to determine your board revision. See the full details here.
The power connector on the back of the console can reveal which motherboard you have by comparing the details shown in the picture below.

Xenon (launch 2005)
- Launch model
- Red Ring of Death / heat issues
- 203 Watt powersupply / 12V rated 16.5A

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Zephyr (early 2008)

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Falcon (late 2007)

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Opus (mid 2008)
- No HDMI output
- Replacements for Xenon repairs, 65 nm CPU
- 175 Watt powersupply / 12V rated 14.2A
- More Opus details

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Jasper (late 2008)
- 65 nm GPU (the true way to idenfify a Jasper is by looking at the chip)
- 256 MB internal flash memory
- 150 Watt powersupply / 12V rated 12.1A
- Limited Edition: Modern Warfare model with 250 GB hard drive
- More Jasper details

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Jasper Kronos (late 2009)
Velje (mid 2010)
- Xbox 360 Slim
- Smaller casing and new motherboard
- 45 nm GPU/CPU combined chip
- 133 Watt powersupply / 12V rated 11.1A
- More Velje details
There might be other motherboard configuration, i.e. 16.5A printed on the case of a Jasper motherboard or a Xenon motherboard with a Zephyr GPU cooler. The sets of details above can be used to idenfity the 5 major configurations that is manufacturered in large quantities.
Thank you for the effort!