Xbox 360 Drives Database


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Xbox 360 profile

Profile details:
Added: 2008-12-29 by
Country: United Kingdom
Purchase shop/when: GAME ILFORD on 2008-12-29

have been hunting jasper for weeks at east london. called blockbuster and they say there are some in stock but just go to GAME and get this one from ilford exchange. very lucky, 12.1A, 150W, made by 20081017. do nto ask the staff as they do not which one is jasper.
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Xbox 360 details:
Pack: Xbox 360 Arcade 256MB
Video mode: PAL
Manufacturer date: 2008-10-17
Lot number: 0842 (week of 2008-10-13)
Team number: FDOU
DVD Drive: Philips-LiteOn DG-16D2S
Firmware: N/A
Motherboard: Jasper
HDMI: Yes, HDMI Connector
Fan model: Unknown


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