Xbox 360 Drives Database


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This site will hopefully make it easier for you to find a new Xbox 360 with a DVD-ROM drive model that you want. The list is generated by user submissions and I encourage you to do the same. You can not expect that any of the information you find on this site to be accurate, or lead you to a Xbox 360 pack with the approriate drive. This is stictly a site to help organize the data available. -

2011-07-22: The latest Xbox 360 revision, Corona v6, is now added to the submission form.

2011-12-06: Added the new Slim 320 GB model that's been released last month.

Added Pack Video MFR Date LOT TEAM Firmw. Drive Board HDMI Fan Country Shop Posted by Comment # R
601. 2009-11-25 360 Elite PAL 2008-08-26 0935X FDOU 83850C Philips-LiteOn 16D2S Jasper (v4) Yes Delta United Kingdo.. N/A chrizz Successf.. 1 [x]
602. 2010-08-27 360 Premium 60GB PAL 2008-08-21 00NA NA 74850C Philips-LiteOn 16D2S Jasper (v4) Yes Unk United Kingdo.. GameStation XFan None 0 [x]
603. 2009-12-27 360 Premium 60GB PAL 2008-08-06 0832 FDOU N/A Toshiba-Samsung H943 Jasper (v4) Yes Delta Germany Freaxstore viktor None 0 [x]
604. 2009-11-23 360 Elite PAL 2008-07-06 0928x FDOU N/A Philips-LiteOn 16D2S Jasper (v4) Yes Unk United Kingdo.. comet Denn None 0 [x]
605. 2009-04-22 360 Elite PAL 2008-06-18 0825 FD0U 74850C Philips-LiteOn 16D2S Jasper (v4) Yes Delta United Kingdo.. GAME T5 None 1 [x]
606. 2010-06-03 360 Elite PAL 2008-06-06 0823 FDOU N/A Philips-LiteOn 16D2S Jasper (v4) Yes Delta Spain El Corte Ing.. ag3r None 0 [x]
607. 2009-01-03 360 Arcade PAL 2007-10-20 0843 FDOU N/A Philips-LiteOn 16D2S Jasper (v4) Yes Delta United Kingdo.. Blockbuster .. ma10 150W PSU.. 0 [x]
608. 2010-08-11 360 Elite PAL 2007-01-07 1011 FVRY 93450C Philips-LiteOn 16D2S Jasper (v4) Yes Unk United Arab E.. Geekay FrostySnip.. Flashed .. 0 [x]
609. 2009-01-11 360 Premium 20GB * PAL 2006-07-28 0544 FDOU 0901 Philips-BenQ 6038 Jasper (v4) Yes Nidec South Africa bt beast24 None 0 [x]
610. 2008-12-20 360 Arcade PAL 2005-10-18 0843 FDOU N/A Philips-LiteOn 16D2S Jasper (v4) Yes Unk United Kingdo.. Blockbuster .. Anth I can as.. 2 [x]
Entries returned: 615   << First < Previous 8 9 10 11 12 13 
  • Click on the particular pack, manufacturer date, lot or team number, drive model or country to filter out all entries that has the same data.
  • Sort the columns by clicking on the labels on the top grey bar, a second click descends the list.
  • Use the filterbar to make specific searches, i.e. show all Xbox 360 Premium 20GB packs with a Toshiba-Samsung drive..
  • * Indicates a special pack, click on the added date link to see the name of the pack.

Submit Xbox 360 DVD Drive Information

IMPORTANT: Before you submit your Xbox 360 information, please take a second to go through the howto guide to make sure you find and enter the correct information. There have been too many submissions with invalid data on other sites and I want to get it right on this one. Thanks.
1. Profile details:
Your name/nick: ?
Your e-mail: (for editing) ?
Show e-mail address publicly
Verification code: ? Verification - Enter code:

2. Xbox 360 details:
Xbox 360 pack: ?
Specify if special pack: ? (i.e Fifa World Cup, etc)
Video mode: ?
Manufacture date: ? - - (360 backside)
LOT number: ? (on the cardboardbox, click for info)
TEAM number: ? (FDOU/WZHO/CSON/etc, also on box)
DVD Drive: ? (click to identify yours)
Firmware / ROM version: ?
(HL: 46DH/47DG/47DJ/59DJ/78FK/79FK/79FL)
(TS: MS25/MS28)
(BEN: 64930C/62430C) (LIT: 74850C)
Motherboard model: ? (identify by viewing these pictures)
HDMI connector: ? (new 2007+ machines only)
Fan model: ? (look for the fan label)
Country: ?
Purchase shopname: ? (where the system was bought)
Purchase date: ? - - (pre-filled, adjust)

3. Closing comments:
Comments: ?

* Fields marked with BOLD are required.

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